#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Von der Leyen: Kiev begins its European journey. The Russian advance continues in Chasiv Jar. Lavrov: “We will not go to the second peace summit if there is no equal treatment”


The United States will provide a $150 million military aid package to Ukraine, Voice of America reports. From Europe, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell: “The EU has reached agreements on the use of proceeds from confiscated Russian assets to transfer aid to Ukraine”. Not only that, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen officially announced that negotiations for the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the European Union have begun.

Hungary will continue to block 6.5 billion euros from the European Peace Fund for Ukraine, Foreign Minister Szijjártó announced. According to Szijjártó, Hungary will block until discrimination against Hungarian business enterprises ends in this country.

Macron announced his willingness to continue dialogue with Putin. “I believe in the power of dialogue and would continue the dialogue with Vladimir Putin. There have been no negotiations in the last few months, but I don’t rule it out on one topic or another, including the issue of nuclear power plants or something else,” the French president said on the Gnration Do It Yourself podcast.

Volodomyr Zelenskiy announced the replacement of the commander of the joint forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Yuriy Sodol, with Brigadier General Andrey Gnatov from the ranks of the AZOV. The announcement comes after the scandal that saw the general fired at the bar while his men faced a Russian offensive in Toretsk. An investigation has been opened into General Sodol.

The International Criminal Court in The Hague has issued arrest warrants for former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (now Secretary of the Security Council) and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov. “The decision of the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber against Shoigu is insignificant; he was taken as part of the West’s hybrid war against Russia,” says the press service of the Russian Security Council apparatus.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov referred to the UN declaration, which establishes respect for territorial integrity only if the government represents all the peoples of the country and the entire population: “After the coup, the neo-Nazis who came to power did not represent the people of Donbass, Crimea and Novorossiya,” the Russian Foreign Minister said.

“In key strategic areas that guarantee the functioning of the state, the West is incapable of negotiating,” added Sergei Lavrov: “It can at any moment abandon its obligations and declare economic war.” “If at some point our Western neighbors reconsider their dead-end policies, we will be ready to listen to them,” added the Russian Minister.

At the peace conference in Switzerland, the objective was to take a family photo with as many people posing as possible, the Minister continued and commented: “If anyone thinks that when we are invited to the second session, we will immediately run there, they are wrong , we are ready to talk only on an equal basis.” If the agreement of February 20, 2014 had been implemented and a government of national unity had been created, Ukraine would find itself within the 1991 borders. Realities on the ground are constantly changing, not in favor of the Kiev regime and its owners ”.“The fighting will not stop during the negotiations; we have already fallen for this trick in April 2022,” commented the Russian Foreign Minister.

And now a look at the front line updated at 2.00pm on June 25th.

In the direction of Kharkiv, the Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted reconnaissance in force from the area of ​​the Liptsy settlement, and near the Vovčans’k settlement. Previously on the social sphere it was reported “about the accumulation of forces and means of the Ukrainian armed forces to conduct counteroffensive actions. The Russian Armed Forces near Vovčans’k are testing the new FAB-3000 with UMPC.

In the direction of Sivers’kyi there are battles for Rozdolivka (5 km north of Soledar). The settlement was almost completely destroyed.

The coverage of Časiv Jar continues from the north and south towards the Seversky Donets-Donbass water canal, along which the Ukrainian Armed Forces have built the main defense line. On the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Jar, Russian armed forces are advancing, trying to complicate the rotation of Ukrainian units.

West of Avdiivka there are imminent battles in the area from Sokil to Novoselivka. On the northern and southern ledge of the front (in Novooleksandrivka and Karlivka respectively), the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to stabilize the front by transferring reserves.

In the direction of Donetsk, the Russian Armed Forces are shelling the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village of Kostyantynivka (west of Paraskoviivka) and approaching it. Kostjantynivka is an important logistical hub for the defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this direction.

In the Vremivka direction, the enemy launched several unsuccessful counterattacks against Staromaiors’ke and Urozhaine.

In the direction of Kherson, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were active near the Antonovsky and railway bridges, shelling settlements with barrel artillery. The situation does not present significant changes.

In the Belgorod region, 14 civilians were injured in one day. The Yakovlevsky urban district was attacked by 6 UAVs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In the city of Stroitel two civilians were injured. In the village of Bykovka two private houses suffered extensive damage. Even at night over Belgorod and the Belgorod region, air defense systems shot down several air targets as they approached the city. Two people were injured, the villages of Streletskoye and Golovino were damaged. In Bezymeno, in the Grayvoronsky urban district, a kamikaze drone of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a moving car, the driver was injured. A similar attack with an injured driver occurred in Murom, Shebekinsky urban district. The city of Grayvoron was hit by fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 8 people were injured.

Attacks against the Kursk region continue. Gordeevka, Korenevsky district, Oleshnya, Sudzhansky district, Tyotkino, Krasnooktyabrsky, Novy Put, Vesyoloye, Sergeevka Telizavetovka, Glushkovsky district, were hit repeatedly. Ukrainian drones attacked a residential building on the Oleshnya farm in the Sudzhansky district, and a local resident was burned. The driver of the fire truck was also injured after the helicopter attack. During the day, 10 Ukrainian drones were suppressed and destroyed by electronic warfare equipment and small arms in the border areas.

In the Voronezh region, two Ukrainian aircraft-type UAVs were destroyed by air defense. In the DPR of Donetsk and Horlivka, three were injured.

Graziella Giangiulio 

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