#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Ukrainian F-16 pilots and technicians ready for combat. Airlift operational for Rzeszow. Belousov orders prompt responses to US operations in the Black Sea


The United States is negotiating to send Israeli Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine. These would be six defense systems.

From Denmark, Commander of the Danish Air Force Jan Dam: “The first 50 Ukrainian specialists in maintenance of F-16 fighters have already completed training in Denmark and returned to Ukraine. Now they will prepare the conditions to welcome the first fighters.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan still insists on the peace agreements, stating that: “Initiatives on Ukraine that ignore Russia will not lead to results.”

According to social sources who analyze the planes’ flights: “The grouping of NATO reconnaissance planes on the Romanian-Ukrainian border is intensifying.”

According to the Czech online newspaper, iRozhlas: “Ukraine received 50 thousand ammunition as part of the Czech initiative.” “This is part of the 180,000 ammunition financed by Germany,” the Czech Defense Ministry said.

To date, the supply of 500 thousand bullets is financially insured and should arrive in Ukraine by the end of the year in tranches of several tens of thousands per month. The publication writes that 18 countries have joined the Czech initiative, of which 15 have promised money. In addition to the Czech Republic and Germany, they include Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Slovenia. Some countries provide funding anonymously.

For the first time since the inception of the Northern Military District, accounts monitoring air flights, reported that an An-26 military transport aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force flew openly from the territory of the country to Poland. Apparently the British are moving more ready-made reinforcements to Ukraine. The airlift to Rzeszow has been operational for several days. They report these accounts.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was worried about the lifting of sanctions on Russian oligarchs, “this must be stopped”. ”Now we see how sanctions began to be lifted from Russian oligarchs. We must stop all this and strengthen sanctions, because Putin’s regime relies on these funds,” he said from the European Council meeting in Brussels.

Zelensky again in a meeting with the head of the European Council Charles Michel said: “Ukraine strives to end the conflict as soon as possible due to the large number of wounded and dead on the battlefield.” Kiev hopes to present a plan to resolve the conflict by the second “peace summit”.

News comes from Kiev that searches are underway at the former deputy head of Zelensky’s office, Kirill Tymoshenko, who was later arrested by men from the National Anti-Corruption Office of Ukraine, reports the Telegraph. The searches concern a criminal case regarding the leak of information from NABU, reports Ukrayinska Pravda. The police have not yet commented on the situation.

On June 27, Ukraine and the European Union signed an agreement on security guarantees. As part of the deal, the EU will provide Ukraine with 50 billion euros over the next four years. The EU, in its security engagements with Ukraine, has promised to continue working to use revenue from Russian activities to support Kiev. Ukraine, in its agreement with the EU, undertakes to make a “positive contribution” to ensuring the security of the European Union, the document reads. From this autumn, Ukraine will begin exchanging information on its citizens’ accounts with the European Union. The news was announced by People’s Deputy Nina Yuzhanina.

The candidate countries for accession to the EU, Georgia, Moldova and Serbia, did not adhere to the decision to transfer the proceeds of the frozen assets of the Russian Federation to Kiev, according to Josep Borrell, Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the European Union.

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev stated the need to prepare clear framework mandates for participants in peacekeeping missions: this will allow achieving peace between the conflicting parties. Here comes the first direct command from Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov who instructed the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces to adopt timely response measures to US provocations in the Black Sea.

Russian Defense has noted the growing intensity of flights of US strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the Black Sea, which carry out reconnaissance and target designation of high-precision weapons supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces by Western states to strike Russian targets. This indicates the crecent involvement of the United States and NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine alongside the Kiev regime.

Such flights significantly increase the probability of accidents in the airspace with aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which increases the risk of a direct clash between the Alliance and the Russian Federation. For this reason, the command is issued to adopt timely response measures to US provocations in the Black Sea.

And now a look at the front line updated at 3:00 pm on June 28th.

The Burshtynska thermal power plant in the Ivano-Frankivsk region cannot be restored after the damage, said the head of the region Svetlana Onischuk. Because of this, the city of Burshtyn could remain without hot water and heating in the winter, she noted.

In the direction of Kharkiv, the Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted reconnaissance in force in the area of ​​the settlement in Hlyboke and north of the village Lyptsi. In Vovčans’k the Russian armed forces continue to storm a multi-storey building. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to withdraw reinforcements to the front sector, while Ukrainian social channels published assessments of the Ukrainian Armed Forces according to which, to stabilize the situation, the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were transferred to Kharkiv and now this is affecting the operational situation in other directions. Russian troops advanced 1,300 meters southeast of Syn’kivka, reaching the ponds near Petropavlivka in the Kharkiv-Kupjans’k direction.

North of Tors’ke, the Russian armed forces, through raids, create the conditions for covering the settlement of Nevs’ke and Makiivka (LPR).

In the direction of Sivers’kyi Donetsk, Russian armed forces are fighting in Rozdolivka. Combat operations resumed near Bilohorivka. Ukrainian sources confirm that the Russian counterattack is underway with the aim of capturing the remaining half of the city. Previously, the Ukrainian armed forces had attempted to recapture the chalk quarry, but had failed.

Fighting is taking place in the eastern part of Časiv Jar. Multi-storey buildings of the Russian Armed Forces are being demolished. On the flanks, the Ukrainian Armed Forces try to initiate counterbattles and prevent the expansion of troop penetration. Andriivka and Kleshchiivka, enter the gray zone.

In the direction of Torec’k, (Dzerzhinsky), Russian troops have recently intensified attacks, achieving successes in Zalizne and Pivdenne.

West of Avdiivka, Russian armed forces are attacking in the direction of Novoselivka. In Yasnobrodivka, Russian troops push the defenses of the Ukrainian armed forces towards the village, attacking with the support of motorized rifle units. The Russian military managed to gain a foothold in the development at the Yasnobrodivka location. On the southern ledge of the front, along positions near Karlivka, the Russian Armed Forces are using all available firepower to crush Ukrainian defensive formations.

From the Zaporozhzhie Front, pro-Russian accounts report the advance of Russian troops in the Zagornoye area. After destroying the forward positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces together with their personnel, the Russians reportedly advanced more than 1 km.

In the direction of Kherson, short-term fire battles with the remnants of small groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the island area near the Antonovsky Bridge. It is difficult for Russian units to advance into the island zone: in the conditions of constant operation of Ukrainian drones, it is difficult to provide drinking water, rotate personnel and evacuate the wounded. Hot weather causes soldiers to become infected with infectious diseases if they drink water from reservoirs and wells.

In the Tambov region, at 04:35, in the Michurinsky municipal district, the arrival of a UAV at an oil depot was recorded. In the morning the fire was being put out.

The Belgorod region suffers from Ukrainian attacks on civilians. A kamikaze drone attacked a special transport of an agricultural company in the village of Bogun-Gorodok, Borisov district. The driver was injured. Drones also attacked Novaya Tavolzhanka of Shebekinsky Urban District, Novopetrovka of Valuysky Urban District, Grayvoron (wounded civilian), Kazachok of Grayvoronsky Urban District, Demidovka of Krasnoyaruzhsky District, Berezovka of Borisovsky District, Shebekino and Shamino.

In the Kursk region, Obukhovka and Gordeevka of the Korenevsky district, the checkpoint “Sudzha”, Zaoleshenka, Guevo and Oleshnya of the Sudzhansky district, Tetkino, Vesyoloye and Elizavetovka of the Glushkovsky district, Kucherov of the Belovsky district were bombed repeatedly. Drone attacks – near the village of Tyotkino, the villages of Vesyoloye and Khodeykovo, the village of Zarya in the Glushkovsky district, the village of Nikolaevo-Daryino in the Sudzhansky district and the village of Lokot in the Rylsky district. 32 Ukrainian drones were suppressed by electronic warfare equipment in the border areas.

In the Bryansk region, 5 enemy aircraft-type UAVs were destroyed in the Trubchevsky and Navlinsky districts.

Graziella Giangiulio 

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