#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Syrsky: The Russians are stuck in Vovčans’k. Moscow attacks Ukrainian defense systems in Poltava with Khinzhal


The White House has officially announced a meeting between President Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky on June 13 on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy. John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator of the White House National Security Council, stressed that the United States will demonstrate a clear commitment to supporting Ukraine during the G7 summit. Kirby also noted that new steps on the issue of Russia’s frozen sovereign assets and their direction in favor of Ukraine will be announced at the summit.

The Netherlands, together with Denmark, will contribute 400 million euros to the Swedish fund for the production of CV90 infantry fighting vehicles for Ukraine. The Dutch government stated this in a press release. Not only that, again from the Netherlands we learn that Ukraine will receive the first batch of updated F-16 fighters this summer, according to Dutch Defense Minister Kaisa Ollongren, underlining that the planes themselves will not change the course of the war and Kiev he must understand it.

Hungary opposes the NATO mission in Ukraine, but cannot prevent it, as the majority of Alliance members support it, its president Viktor Orban said. Jens Stoltenberg confirmed the news, saying: “Hungary will not block the decisions of the July NATO summit on assistance to Ukraine.”

President Vladimir Putin has included Andrei Belousov among the permanent members of the Russian Security Council. Nikolai Patrushev became assistant to Sergei Shoigu, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The Russian Defense Ministry said that “Russian Armed Forces struck aircraft parking areas and infrastructure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces air base, at a point of deployment of mercenaries and training sites for unmanned boats.” 

According to Oleksandr Syrsky, the Russian Armed Forces are focusing their main efforts on the Pokrovs’k and Kurachove directions. The fighting here has been going on for several months,” The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces spoke about the situation in other sectors of the front: “The fighting continues in the areas of Časiv Jar, Kleschiivka, Kalinivka. The Russian armed forces are trying to capture these settlements to expand the geography of their advance in the direction of Kramators’k and Slov”jans’k”.

“In the direction of Kharkiv, the Russian Armed Forces are conducting “unsuccessful” actions, trying to advance into the depths of Ukrainian combat formations and create a “security belt”. Second. Commander Syrsky in Vovčans’k, “the Russian armed forces remained bogged down”. “In the direction of Zaporozhzhie, Russian troops are conducting offensive operations in the areas of Staromaiors’ke and Robotyne”, but practically without success.”

“In the Krynka area, fighting continues to maintain the bridgehead and control the islands, without significant changes.” “Under these conditions, it is very important for us to maintain the lines and positions occupied, prevent a breakthrough of the defense and maximize the destruction of manpower and equipment,” Syrsky commented.

From social sources we learn that the Ukrainian armed forces have started building defensive fortifications near Ivano-Frankivs’k. Previously, footage of the construction of fortifications in the Kiev region was available online.

And now a look at the front line updated at 4.30pm on June 12th.

The news arriving via social media is different from that disclosed by the Ukrainian Commander Syrsky. Ukrainians continued to attack in the border areas of the Belgorod region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to scatter mines with seismic sensors: when activated, the projectile is thrown into the air and explodes, said the governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov .

Kharchiv direction according to Russian military account: “In the direction of Vovchans’k fierce fighting continues in the village of Vovchans’ki Khutory. The Russian “Severyan” assault units are advancing in the area of ​​the Aggregate Plant and have also completely occupied another building to the east of the city. The total advance of the Russian troops in the direction of Vovčans’k was 200 meters.

According to another account, the group of Ukrainian armed forces in Vovčans’k is finding serious supply problems. To correct the situation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces once again attempted to cross the dam in the Staryi Saltiv area, which was again destroyed by Russian aircraft. Continue the movement of units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces towards the concentration areas to carry out a counter-offensive.

In the direction of Lyptsi in the morning the Ukrainian Armed Forces made another attempt to counterattack positions in the Zelenyi Kolodyaz area. In the village of Glubokoe the Ukrainian armed forces lost more than 10 soldiers and returned to their original positions. In the area of ​​the Zelenyi Kolodyaz village, the Russian military has advanced along the Murom River and is gaining a foothold on the dominant heights. The total advance of Russian troops in the direction of Lyptsi was 250 meters.

During the night, the Russian Armed Forces carried out strikes with the Geranium UAV and air-launched missiles of four Tu-95ms, as well as one MiG-31, incl. using hypersonic “Kinzhals”. Explosions were heard in the capital Kiev, in the Poltava, Dnipropetrovs’k, Vinnytsia and Sumy regions.

The Kiev city administration said that Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 cruise missiles were used, which approached Kiev from the south in several waves. Almost simultaneously with the missiles, attack UAVs were also moving towards Kiev from the south direction. The enemy also reported the use of ballistic missiles by the Russian military.

In turn, the Ukrainian armed forces attacked Crimea. The governor of Sevastopol reported that “all air targets were destroyed high in the sky, most of them over water.” Fallen fragments were reported in the area of ​​Kombrig Potapova Street and in the Yukharinaya Balka area. There are no preliminary injuries.

A military analysis account reports on Russian airstrikes in Poltava: “In the morning, footage of effective strikes by the Russian Armed Forces against air defense positions and aircraft parking areas appeared online, with reconnaissance UAVs providing objective control . This time the targets were in the Poltava region, 140 km from the front line, a record for such cases.”

And again we read: “Russian troops attacked the Myrhorod airfield, destroying a Su-27UB fighter. The nearby MiG-29 planes, recently redeployed from Dnipropetrovs’k airport, probably remained unharmed. The remains of about five previously destroyed Ukrainian aircraft were visible.” “Russian troops also hit a battery of the S-300 air defense system in the village of Polyviane, destroying two launchers and disabling the target acquisition, low-altitude detection stations and command post.”

Russian actions in the Poltava region were facilitated by the destruction of Ukrainian air defenses in the front-line regions.

Graziella Giangiulio 

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