#ISRAELHAMASWAR. Israel and the United States together to counter Iran in the Middle East. Clashes are also increasing in the West Bank


According to CNN: Biden administration officials met this week with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, recording all weapons shipments to Israel “line by line” in an effort to prove Netanyahu’s claim that the Biden administration is delaying weapons shipments is not true. After Gallant’s visit, the United States will resume supplies of aerial bombs to Israel that were suspended in April, Axios reports. According to the publication’s sources, it is a batch of 1.7 thousand bombs. According to the Financial Times: Israel insists on creating a five-kilometer “security strip” inside Lebanon.

The IDF reported that: “This week, Deputy Chief of the General Staff General Amir Baram visited the United States as a guest of colleagues from the US Army. Baram met with commanders from U.S. CENTCOM (Central Command), NORTHCON (Northern Command), Navy, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Department of Defense to strengthen cooperation between our militaries and prepare for challenges emerging. During his visit, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff had a strategic discussion with senior US military and Pentagon officials on operational plans for the southern and northern arenas, preparations to counter Iran and its proxies, and interests joints of the IDF and the US Army in the Middle East. Furthermore, the deputy chief of staff discussed with his counterparts how to accelerate the pace of supply of the necessary ammunition to the IDF, on which joint acceleration and control mechanisms were agreed.”

On June 28, the International Criminal Court (ICC) postponed its decision to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. We also learn from press sources that the United States, Israel and Ukraine are discussing the supply of up to 8 Patriot air defense systems to Kiev, the Financial Times reports. The Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system was recently subjected to a powerful Hezbollah missile attack on the Galilee with a colossal consumption of very expensive and ineffective anti-missiles against Hezbollah’s rudimentary drones.

According to the media, Yoav Galant told Benjamin Netanyahu: “enough with the minister’s interference in the army, otherwise the existence of Israel will be in danger.”

The Financial Times: “The United States has invited the foreign ministers of Israel and Arab countries to the 75th NATO summit in Washington, which could lead to increased tension due to disagreements between the invited states over the situation in the Strip of Palestinian Gaza”.

Finally, press sources report that the Pentagon is preparing to evacuate Americans from Lebanon as fighting between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies. At the same time, Israeli troops are moved closer to the Israeli-Lebanese border, reconnaissance in the region increased.

The Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs reiterated that: “We do not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the regions occupied in 1967.”

On the night of June 28, we learned from local social media sources that the Israeli Ministerial Security Council: approved the measures proposed by Finance Minister Bezalel Yoel Smotrich against the Palestinian Authority, expanding settlements in the West Bank and legalizing 5 settlements classified as illegal ; cancel the permits and privileges of Palestinian Authority officials and restrict their movements. Withdrawal of executive powers from the Palestinian Authority in the areas of eastern Bethlehem and south-eastern Jerusalem. Apply Israeli law in areas administratively controlled by the Palestinian Authority. These decisions will precipitate the situation in the West Bank which will suffer the same fate as the Gaza Strip: destruction of Palestinian settlements.

A shop owner in Hulata, Upper Galilee told the media: “There are no more tourists in the north, and there are no more local residents either. Our clients were evacuated from Yiftah, Manara and Al-Malikiyah, and hotels in the Galilee and the Golan were closed.

On the night of June 28, four American-British raids hit the areas of Al-Dhahra in the governorate of Taiz, in southern Yemen. On the morning of June 28, the British Maritime Trade Authority said: “we received a report of an accident 150 nautical miles north-west of Hodeidah, Yemen”.

The UK Maritime Trade Operations Authority has said the captain reported 5 missiles fell near the ship. In the late morning there was talk of a second Houti attack in the Red Sea.

And now a look at the Israel – Hamas – Hezbollah front updated at 3:00 pm on June 28th.

On 27 June the Israeli army operated in: Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, West Bank. According to critics, Israel cannot dominate the scene for long. Meanwhile, on June 28, a car bomb exploded in Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv.

The Jewish newspaper Israel Today says that according to estimates, the settlements that suffered the most damage are Metulla, Manara, Kiryat Shmona, Shtula, Zarait and Avivim. A massive fire spreads at an Israeli military base following Hezbollah’s rocket attack in the forest of the Biriya region. Starting in the afternoon.

Red alert in the Western Galilee sector, Hezbollah suicide drones are seen flying over the area. Alerts spread towards Safed, where the army headquarters of the Northern Command is located.

The Islamic Resistance confirms the death of Abd al-Amir Jawad Asili, “Jawad” and two other Hezbollah leaders. There are still some gaps on the part of Israel in southern Lebanon: Hula, Nabatiah, Burghleyeh, Janat. Bazilieh. The area of ​​Khiam and Odaisseh was also affected. For the IDF they housed Hezbollah facilities. In response, Hezbollah announced a suicide drone attack on the Ras Al-Naqoura border base.

Israel killed three Hezbollah leaders with targeted raids: Ziad Al-Habbash, Ammar Awad. Abdul Ghaffar Asaad.

On 28 June the Al-Quds Brigades claimed use of IED bombs, and subsequent clashes with Israeli forces on foot, there were deaths and injuries in Tallet Al-Mintar and its surroundings, east of Al-Shuja’iya. According to Palestinian sources, the Israelis fired light bombs into the airspace of the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

The IDF speaks of “the beginning of activity in the Al-Shujaiya area, a Hamas man who was operating in a humanitarian area in the center of Gaza was hit during the night. On 27 June intelligence indicated the presence of men of Hamas and Hamas infrastructure in the Al-Shujaiya area in the northern Gaza Strip, IDF troops have begun activity in the area, both above and below ground.”

Palestinian sources say that on June 28, Israeli planes renewed their raids on the homes of residents in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of the city. The Al-Quds Brigades report an attack on a military vehicle in the Tallet Al-Mintar area and its surroundings, also east of Al -Shuja’iya. Hamas-linked militias bombed the same area at various times.

Israeli artillery shelled targets north of Nuseirat, in the center of the Gaza Strip. Two people were killed and injured following the bombing of the house of the Abu Hassanein family on Al-Bi’ah Street in the city of Deir Al-Balah, in the center of the Gaza Strip.

The IDF reports having conducted several significant attacks in the northern Gaza Strip, during which dozens of Hamas men hiding in schools and UNRWA facilities were eliminated. And again in an IDF statement we read: “During the night, following IDF and ISA intelligence, IAF fighter planes hit a Hamas man who was operating in a facility in the Deir al Balah area. The Hamas man was operating within a humanitarian area, being used by the Hamas organization as a shield for its activity.”

According to Palestinian sources in southern Gaza, Israeli forces are preventing ambulance crews from recovering martyrs and wounded in the Shakoush area, west of Rafah. Occupation vehicles target civil protection teams and ambulance crews in the Al-Shakoush area, on the outskirts of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army announces the killing of a soldier from the Nahal Brigade in clashes in the southern Gaza Strip. Palestinian sources say 11 Palestinians were killed and more than 40 were injured by Israeli attacks in Al-Mawasi, west of Rafah.

In the West Bank, Islamic Resistance fighters opened fire towards the Netsaniyaoz checkpoint, west of Tulkarem. Israeli forces stormed the town of Idna, west of Hebron, and fired live ammunition in the Wadi Al-Afrang area of ​​the city. An Israeli army foot patrol stormed the Biyara al-Taqtaq area in the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.

Antonio Albanese e Graziella Giangiulio

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