#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Watch Movement sets fire to Ukrainian police cars who want to forcefully recruit young people


In Ukraine, in the general silence of the West, a new law on conscription has been passed, or it would be better to say an update to the law passed in recent weeks, changes that will be active from July 1st, that is, from today. According to the new provisions, three categories of Ukrainian students are subject to mobilization from July 1: Part-time students. Those who receive second and third higher education (bachelor’s, master’s degrees). Those who receive an education at a lower level than they already have (for example, have a high school education, but receive specialized secondary education).

Only male students of higher education and vocational training institutions studying full-time are not subject to mobilization. Meanwhile in Kiev, 2.43 million Ukrainians forced into military service have updated their data, of which 1.852 million through the Reserve+ system, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The only voice that has raised indignation about what is happening to Ukrainian youth is that of the Vatican representative Cardinal Krajewski who invited Kiev to think about peace.

Cardinal Kraevsky, after visiting Lviv and Ternopil, said he was “deeply shocked” by the scale of the burials of young people in Ukraine. The leader of the British Reform UK party Nigel Farage said the same thing, stressing that Kiev should think about peace negotiations with Russia so as not to “lose all the young people”. He added that up to a million people could have been killed or injured during the conflict, and that this was “extreme”.

Farage was quite skeptical about Kiev’s likely victory. He stressed that the West is pushing Ukraine to “fight to the death.”

Meanwhile, in the social sphere, requests from the underground Watch movement are increasingly frequent, asking Ukrainians to join the movement against Zelensky’s policies of forced mobilization. Many people say that it is a group sponsored by the Russians. The latest episode was on 28 June in Kamenskoye, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, a National Police Volkswagen parked in the courtyard caught fire.

This is yet another arson attack on a car by the “TCC cannibals”, as Ukrainian recruiters are called online, and it was the work of the Watch movement engaged in the fight against the Kiev regime. The organizers of the underground are calling on Ukrainians to join them in joint opposition to Zelensky’s policies and violent mobilization. Previously the fires had occurred in Odessa.

Graziella Giangiulio 

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